How to Choose a Good Domain Name for Your Blog

Choosing a great domain name for your blog – right at the beginning – is very important. Even though it’s possible to take up a different domain name later on, you don’t want to do that. It requires time, effort, and can end up costing you loyal readers in the process. It’s best to find the perfect domain name right from the start so that you can focus all your energy on making your blog a success.
So, how do you go about choosing a domain name?
In this article, we will show you how to go about this difficult yet fun process in a systematic manner.
Let’s dive right in.
Turn to blog name generators
The best way to start looking for a domain name for your blog is by using an efficient blog name generator such as Namify.
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Namify generates a plethora of suggestions for you and gives you the best domain names focused around powerful keywords that you enter into the system.
It will give you a variety of blog name examples that you can use for your domain name or even to jog your brain in the right direction.
The best part? It’s free!
Seek inspiration
In order to find the correct fit for your blog, you should look up other examples of successful blog names in your field.
For example, if you’re looking to start a blog about cinema, you might want to check out the top 10 movie blogs around the world.
These inspirational blog names will give you an idea of what has already worked for people in the past.
Use appropriate keywords
Once you look up examples of successful blog names, you’ll realize that all of these have one thing in common – keywords that are specific to their area of interest.
For example, food blogs that do well will have keywords such as ‘kitchen’, ‘bake’, ‘cook’, ‘oven’, ‘delicious’ etc. So, before you choose a domain name, you need to thoroughly research your field and find the right keywords.
Once you have your keywords, you can either try and incorporate them in the name of your blog, or, enter the keywords in a brand name generator and let the tool suggest the right names for you.
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Make it memorable
There are countless blogs on the Internet, and more are added every hour. In order for your blog’s domain name to stand out, it needs to be catchy, unique, and memorable.
There are a few techniques you can employ to come up with such a domain name. For example, you can use poetic devices such as alliteration for effect. For a fitness blog, example names could be Fitness Freak, Muscle Man, Gym Giant, etc.
Make sure you keep the blog name short and unique so that it is easier for your readers to remember.
Avoid the big don’ts
Naming your blog can be an exciting process, but it’s important to remember the main goal – to attract more readers. In order to do that, you need to avoid a few common mistakes while choosing a domain name.
Firstly, don’t add special characters in your domain name, like hyphens or underscores. These make it hard for people to look up your website.
Additionally, don’t have a weird or confusing spelling in your blog name. Some people spell their domain name wrong intentionally in order to get a domain name that would otherwise not be available, but this can prove to be detrimental to the success of your blog.
You also need to avoid using double letters in your domain name, as these have a higher chance of being misspelled and lost in translation.
Don’t take it for granted
Even if you’ve found a domain name you think is perfect, the search may not be over. You need to do a quick Internet search to find out if anyone else has already taken up that name.
Once you’ve settled on an available and suitable domain name, it’s time to purchase it from a domain registrar. There are many websites that offer this service.
Domain names aren’t extremely expensive, so it’s always better to be safe than sorry. If you change your mind later, you can always buy a new one.
Sometimes, the idea for a great domain name strikes you out of nowhere. Other times, it takes a lot longer to narrow down different choices and go for the most plausible name for your blog.
Either way, choosing the right domain name is one of the most crucial steps to owning a successful blog, and it should not be taken lightly.
Remember to take feedback from trusted friends and family before settling on a domain name. But once you’re sure you like a name, don’t waste any time in making it yours.
We hope this article has helped you understand the naming process better, and will continue to act as your companion as you choose names for your current and future blogs.
Feel free to bookmark this page and revisit it when you’re brainstorming ideas for your blog or domain name at a later date.
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